Main Page

Revision as of 22:02, 5 January 2006 by Rkoehler (talk | contribs)

Welcome to the Encyclopedia of Linguistic Laws and the LQL server. The quest for laws of language and text during the last decades has resulted in a wealth of law hypotheses and accepted laws. It has become difficult to achieve a systematic overview of the relevant studies and findings. Therefore, we have launched a project with the aim to collect as completely and systematically as possible the corresponding literature and to form a handbook on this basis. As this endeavor will take some time it seems advantageous to set up a wiki at the same time, which will serve as a growing online-encyclopedia and as the basis for book publications. We hope that many users will support us with this work.

We have as resources for this project not more than the time and the effort which we can devote to it ourselves. Therefore, to avoid the effort to find and remove unwished (because misleading or irritating) contributions to this wiki, LQL can be changed or added by authorised editors only. Everyone who wants to help us is invited to send us contributions via email. Thank you for your support.

1. January 2006, Gabriel Altmann, Reinhard Köhler, Relja Vulanović

The wiki which is used for LQL has been set up by Götz Burger. We would like to express our thanks for his valuable support to this project.