Lexicon growth
1. Problem and history
Every lexicon grows. New lexemes are added by creation, by combining existing elements and by borrowing. The problem is to find how the whole or its special parts change.
Historically, this research goes back to Piotrovskij, Bektaev, Piotrovskaja (1977), Beöthy, Altmann (1982) and Tuldava (1984, 1988). A lot of testing has been performed in Best, Kohlhase (1983).
Best (2003a:117) has shown that in some cases lexicon reduction abides by the same law.
2. Hypothesis
The growth of the vocabulary is a time-dependent process.
“Growth” means the increase of vocabulary in terms of numbers of items in general or of special items like borrowings or terminology. “Vocabulary” can be the vocabulary of a child, that of a field, that of the whole language, etc.
3. Derivation
3.1. The Piotrovskij et al. approach (1977), also Tuldava (1984)
The relative rate of change of the vocabulary size () during a time period is constant, or the rate of change of the vocabulary is proportional to its actual state, i.e.
(1) ,
= time,
= vocabulary size at time
= vocabulary size at the beginning of the measurement.
Though this approach is realistic, it cannot be effectively tested beacause (a) there are no complete dictionaries encompassing all fields of human activity, (b) personal vocabularies cannot be infinite.
3.2. The Beöthy – Altmann – Tuldava approach
Beöthy, Altmann (1982) used this approach for borrowings, Tuldava (1984) for the increase of the vocabulary of literary language. The rate of change of the vocabulary size is proportional to its present state () and to the difference to the limiting boundary (Ln) (the limiting boundary can be the capacity of the memory or that of printed dictionaries), i.e.
(2) ,
where and
are parameters. This is the logistic curve used also to model language change (
Example: The growth of the Estonian literary lexicon
Tuldava (1998: 140) shows the increase of the Estonian literary lexicon in the 17th to 20th century based on normative dictionaries. He transforms = (
´- 1600)/100 (see Table 1 and Fig. 1).
Evidently, formula (2) yields somewhat better results (in this case) and is more realistic.
Example: Borrowing of Latin words in Hungarian
Beöthy and Altmann (1982) show the extent of borrowing of Latin words in Hungarian in Table 2 and Fig. 2.
The fit is almost perfect.
4. Authors: U. Strauss, G. Altmann, K.-H. Best
5. References
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