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- Gabriel Altmann, [ Reinhard Köhler], Relja Vulanović2 KB (258 words) - 11:38, 20 September 2018
- ...ifferent aspects of this relationship have been shown in Strauss, Grzybek, Altmann (2005). Köhler (1986), Strauss, Grzybek, Altmann (2005) start from the assumption that the relative rate of change of mean w10 KB (1,431 words) - 17:00, 14 July 2006
- ...chain and derived models of different order. Strauß, Sappok, Diller, and Altmann (1984) considered identical entities as an urn and derived the negative bin ...tmann (1988a) and a survey of modified distribution in Wimmer, Witkovský, Altmann (1999).12 KB (1,893 words) - 09:57, 11 July 2006
- The factors of diversification can be as follows (Altmann 2005): ...rors in English can be found, and dialectal diversification was studied by Altmann (1985b).27 KB (3,994 words) - 13:23, 15 June 2009
- ..., word class, age of the stem, etc. Some hypotheses have been collected by Altmann (1989, <math>\rightarrow</math> Compounds: further hypotheses) but derivat '''4. Authors:''' U. Strauss, G. Altmann4 KB (563 words) - 14:39, 2 July 2006
- Altmann (1989) set up a number of hypotheses on compounds resulting from the synerg This is a simple consequence of Menzerath-Altmann´s law (<math>\rightarrow</math> Hierarchy).''3 KB (375 words) - 14:35, 2 July 2006
- ...handbooks. We refer especially to the recent theoretical work by Ziegler & Altmann (2002: 85 ff.). The simplest presentation of the arrangements of the units In Menzerath-Altmann’s text model based on a specific power law operating with the concepts of6 KB (1,101 words) - 13:23, 27 June 2006
- ...Vulanović, Baayen (2007). The law is called Piotrowski law or Piotrowski-Altmann law and is used for modelling phenomena like the increase of the number of Beöthy and Altmann examined the borrowing from different langugages in Hungarian. The fate of16 KB (2,225 words) - 11:24, 10 June 2009
- ...t, but also the way they are joined together, can be measured according to Altmann (2004) but until now no testing has been performed. '''4. Authors''': U. Strauss, G. Altmann3 KB (481 words) - 12:51, 16 June 2009
- ...1974), the first model which held only for Martin´s data was presented by Altmann and Kind (1983), who called this phenomenon '''Martin´s law'''. Hammerl´s '''4. Authors:''' U. Strauss, G. Altmann17 KB (2,610 words) - 08:58, 8 July 2006
- ...r (2005) reformulated the pertinent part of his control cycle and Tamaoka, Altmann (2005) showed by means of Japanese morae that the unified theory (<math>\ri ...frequency and the contexts (different words) were ascertained. Tamaoka and Altmann (2005) showed that the best fit to these data (in logarithmic transformatio6 KB (881 words) - 13:13, 26 June 2007
- ...hy of textual levels is based on this dependence and called it ''Menzerath-Altmann´s law''. ...and a mixture of problems including biology and sociology can be found in Altmann, Schwibbe (1989). Bohn (1998) analyzed the relationship between Chinese cha25 KB (3,450 words) - 11:44, 25 June 2007
- ...ated geometric distribution to show that entropy depends on K, Zörnig and Altmann (1983, 1984) used the Zipf-Mandelbrot distribution to derive another formul '''3.1. From the geometric distribution''' (Altmann, Lehfeldt 1980)8 KB (1,190 words) - 13:02, 26 January 2012
- ...esearch to German texts and used also the Waring distribution. Ziegler and Altmann (2002) developed some theoretical issues concerning denotation hrebs and in ...mple''': Denotation hreb length in an Early New High German text (Ziegler, Altmann 2002).4 KB (536 words) - 11:17, 16 June 2009
- ...research goes back to Piotrovskij, Bektaev, Piotrovskaja (1977), Beöthy, Altmann (1982) and Tuldava (1984, 1988). A lot of testing has been performed in Bes '''3.2. The Beöthy – Altmann – Tuldava approach'''7 KB (1,007 words) - 11:23, 10 June 2009
- '''4. Authors: U. Strauss, G. Altmann''' '''Altmann, G., Bagheri, D., Goebl, H., Köhler, R., Prün, C.''' (2002). ''Einführun6 KB (944 words) - 16:33, 27 June 2006
- As far as known, the only model was proposed by Wimmer and Altmann (1995) in which the random variable x is the number of derivates built fro we obtain the Pólya distribution (Wimmer, Altmann 1995)3 KB (539 words) - 12:34, 3 July 2007
- '''4. Authors: R. Köhler, G. Altmann, J. Eom'''2 KB (346 words) - 09:10, 17 June 2006
- ...ductively but belonging to the family of length-distributions (cf. Wimmer, Altmann 1996) was the 1-displaced Hyperpoisson distribution. Pustet and Altmann (2005) set g(x) = a(k + x – 1)/x and h(x) = b(2k + x – 2)/x and obtaine6 KB (884 words) - 11:05, 26 January 2012
- ...buted according to the right truncated geometric distribution. Zörnig and Altmann (1983) have shown that the relation holds if the frequencies follow the Zip Altmann and Lehfeldt (1980: 154-156) collected the R-values for 63 languages from t5 KB (735 words) - 14:36, 26 July 2006